Creating a Photography Wedding Timeline
St Louis Wedding Photography Missouri Illinois
A detailed timeline created by the photographer and NOT the wedding planner is essential to the success of the photographer in keeping the day moving. Don’t think for a moment that a photographer’s job is simply to show and take pictures. Maybe 15 years ago, but not anymore.
The modern photographer needs to wear many different hats beyond just photographer. We need to support, counsel, cajole, corral and carryout a bunch of other tasks. And I love em all.
At Shari Photography the timeline is the foundation for the day, and it is created with the bride and groom. It is an essential document to ensure the day moves smoothly.
Where to start-
Anchor Points- these are times set in stone that cannot be changed or missed. For example, the service. If it’s at 4 pm- then it must remain at 4pm. Others are – when the bride leaves for the church, when the couple are announced, when the formals should begin etc…
Timelines I create are very specific. They include when the bride should get into her dress, when the parents should arrive, etc… The more detail and times included, the more confident the bride will be in the wedding day.
The Process:
I usually contact the bride 6 weeks before the wedding. In a 30-minute conversation I begin to create the draft of the day and then email it to them via a PDF. My Brides love this- it is a visual for them so they can see how their day will unfold. This becomes a living document as we tweak it. As we get closer to the date, all the pieces fall into place. Because of my experience, I am able to provide advice on what will or will not work. Some timelines are finalized the day of the wedding.
Too many brides stress about everything not going to plan. A detailed timeline with plenty of wiggle room allows the bride to feel more at ease. It’s also a way for the photographer to break the day into sequences. Each sequence requires a different photographic approach. For example, during the getting ready sequence I will use specific lenses and know there must have shots to take. Knowing how much time I have is critical in getting those shots.
Wedding days are typically rushed no matter what- but a detailed timeline can smooth these days a lot, make for a happier bride, and create order of a day that can easily spin into a little turmoil.